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Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Unable to paste data from excel,word,notepad to oracle forms

Today its great day for me...

Few days ago, one functional consultant come with this issue that he is not able to copy data from ms excel,word or notepad to oracle forms. The root cause for the issue with signature on the jar files in the client system.


Run Adadmin and generate Jar files.
Select 'Yes' to force generate the jar files.

The regeneration of jar files will work for R12.0.4 and above application versions.

You can try the below steps if generation of jar files was not helped.

1. Clear browser cache completely and close it.
2. Clear java cache under Control Panel -> Java -> General -> Settings -> Delete Files
3. Retest the issue.

Ref : Cannot Perform a Copy and Paste from release 12.0.4 from or to Excel (Doc ID 735670.1)

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