When I run a Concurrent request I get Phase – Pending and the Status – Standby. What does pending standby means and how to fix it ?
When I run a request in GL,the status appears Inactive and phase as No Manager. Please tell me what the problem could be ?
These are some of common questions I receive in my mail box so I decided to dedicate a post on concurrent request life-cycle.
Concurrent Request Lifecycle
Concurrent Request/Program can be under one of four Phases . Each phase has different Status .
Phase : Pending, Running , Completed, Inactive
Status :
Pending - Normal, Standby, Schedules, Waiting
Running – Normal, Paused, Resuming, Terminating
Completed – Normal, Error, Warning, Cancelled, Terminated, Disabled
Inactive – Disabled , On Hold, No Manager
Running – Normal, Paused, Resuming, Terminating
Completed – Normal, Error, Warning, Cancelled, Terminated, Disabled
Inactive – Disabled , On Hold, No Manager
A. Pending Standby - Phase Pending and Status Standby means Program to run request is incompatible with other program(s) currently running.
How to check Incompatible Program/Request for any Program/Request ?
- Login with Application Developer responsibility
- Click on Concurrent > Program
- Query Program
- Click on Incompatibilities button
B. Inactive – No Manager
i) No manager is defined to run the request
ii) All managers are locked by run-alone requests
iii) Concurrent Manager Service is down
iv) No concurrent manager process because of workshift
ii) All managers are locked by run-alone requests
iii) Concurrent Manager Service is down
iv) No concurrent manager process because of workshift
To check Work Shift for any Concurrent Manager From System Administrator responsibility > Concurrent > Manager > Define > Work Shifts > Processes
For Description of other Concurrent Request Phase/Status
Concurrent Request Phase and Status
During each phase, a concurrent request has a specific condition or status. Table 1 - 38 lists each phase/status combination and describes its meaning in relation to a request.
If a request is pending, you can determine when it will start by using the Concurrent Managers For the Request window from the Requests window to review the request's position in the queues of current managers that can run that request.
Concurrent Request Phase and Status
Phase | Status | Description |
PENDING | Normal | Request is waiting for the next available manager. |
Standby | Program to run request is incompatible with other program(s) currently running. | |
Scheduled | Request is scheduled to start at a future time or date. | |
Waiting | A child request is waiting for its Parent request to mark it ready to run. For example, a request in a request set that runs sequentially must wait for a prior request to complete. | |
RUNNING | Normal | Request is running normally. |
Paused | Parent request pauses for all its child requests to finish running. For example, a request set pauses for all requests in the set to complete. | |
Resuming | All requests submitted by the same parent request have completed running. The Parent request resumes running. | |
Terminating | Request is terminated by choosing the Cancel Request button in Requests window. | |
COMPLETED | Normal | Request completed successfully. |
Error | Request failed to complete successfully. | |
Warning | Request completed with warnings. For example, a request is generated successfully but fails to print. | |
Cancelled | Pending or Inactive request is cancelled by choosing the Cancel Request button in the Requests window. | |
Terminated | Request is terminated by choosing the Cancel Request button in the Requests window. | |
INACTIVE | Disabled | Program to run request is not enabled. Contact your system administrator. |
On Hold | Pending request is placed on hold by choosing the Hold Request button in the Requests window. | |
No Manager | No manager is defined to run the request. Check with your system administrator. A status of No Manager is also given when all managers are locked by run-alone requests. | |
Table 1 - 38. (Page 1 of 1) |
Individual Request Progress
Generally when you submit a request, its phase is Pending, which means that it has not yet started running. When it does start running, its phase changes to Running. Upon completion the status of the request becomes either Success, Warning or Error. If your request ends in warning or error, you can use the Special Menu to select Diagnostics from the Requests window to view any diagnostic messages stored in the log file.
Request Set Progress for Stages
When you submit a request set, all the requests in a stage run simultaneously and the phase and status of the set begins as Pending Normal until an available concurrent manager can process it. When a concurrent manager becomes available, the stages's phase and status change to Running Paused as the stage waits for all of its requests to finish. Then the stage changes from Running Paused to Running Normal to write completion information in the report and log files. Finally, the stage phase changes to Completed and its status becomes Success, Warning, or Error.
Progress of Individual Requests in a Stage
When a stage submits its requests, all requests start as Pending Normal, then change to Running Normal, and finally end as either Completed Success, Completed Warning, or Completed Error.
Progress of Linked Stages
When you submit a request set with more than one stage, the request set submits all the stages but only runs one stage at a time, ensuring that each stage completes before submitting the next. Each stage shows a phase of Pending and a status of Normal while it waits for a concurrent manager to process it. As the next available concurrent manager processes the stage, the request set phase and status changes to Running and Paused, as the first stage begins to run. After each stage finishes, the request set temporarily changes to a Normal status to check whether the stage ended in error and to determine whether to stop or which stage should be processed next based on how you linked the stages when you defined the request set.
Once the check is done for a completed stage, the set goes back to Paused status during which the next stage runs. The set alternates between Normal and Paused status for each stage in the set. The set itself resumes running (Running Normal), after all the requests finish, to write completion information in the report and log files. The set ends in a Completed phase, either with Success, Warning or Error status. A request set ends when a stage ends with a completion status that does not link to a subsequent stage.
nice post