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Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Internal Error - ORA 00600 [4194],[41],[47]

INTERNEL ERROR 00600 [4194], [47], [41]


While startup the database the following error message shows
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4194], [41], [47], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []


recover database until cancel;
alter database open resetlogs;

  1. SQL> Startup nomount
  2. SQL> Create pfile='/tmp/corrupt.ora' from spfile ;
  3. SQL> Shutdown immediate;
  4. SQL> Startup mount pfile='/tmp/corrupt.ora'
  5. SQL> Show parameter undo
  6. SQL> Alter database open ;
  7. SQL> Create rollback segment r01 ;
  8. SQL> Alter rollback segment r01 online ;
  9. SQL> Create undo tablespace undotbs_new datafile '<>' size <> M autoextend on;
  10. Edit your init.ora file and change the parameter "undo_tablespace=UNDOTBS_NEW" so it points to the newly created tablespace.                                                                                 Change undo_tablespace=UNDOTBS_NEW                                                                       Change undo_management=MANUAL
  11. SQL> Shutdown immediate;
  12. SQL> Startup
  13. SQL> show parameter undo_tablespace
  14. SQL>select owner, segment_name, tablespace_name, status from dba_rollback_segs orderby 3;
  15. If the old segments are online, then they must be taken offline:                                                    
  16. SQL>alter rollback segment "_SYSSMU3$" offline;
  17. SQL>alter rollback segment "_SYSSMU2$" offline;
  18. SQL>drop tablespace UNDOTBS1 including contents and datafiles;
  20. Edit your init.ora file do the following changes                                                  undo_management='AUTO'                                                                undo_tablespace='UNDO_TBS'
  21. Restart the database
  22. Now issue solved completely.............

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